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Olanola Blogger Contest

150 подписчиков

This is my views

I want to share this moment with all people who are up to date what is hapening in the world. let me state with US government, i dont understand if what Mr Obama doing is right to some countries and some sociaty in the world. you can understand to what am trying to share with you by this example. when Muamari Gaddaffi was traying to prevent his country from labals US was on side of labals till Muamar Gaddaffi Death.

when Islael invade palestina US was silence and Obama say that Islael has write to prevant its boundaries. And this time few days kill Alshababi's leader. also Kill a lot of peofle ni east Ucrain and also he is against Russia who surpoting Labals like He did in Libya. Whats wrong With US Governiment? i think US increases haterace with justice figher on the world thats why jounalist are killid by Islamic State.

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